I was lucky enough to have won a copy of this book through Goodreads! Many thanks to both Goodreads and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this title.
I should start by saying that I don’t read many short story collections. I often find myself listless when I do – I grow weary of the short form easily. That said, I am glad I read this book. It is such a varied collection of ideas. And what ideas too! I was impressed with how unique and distinct each story was.
My favorite, hands down, was After the Cure. I will certainly be looking for more of Carrie Ryan’s work. Other honorable mentions go to Valedictorian, Rust with Wings, and Fake Plastic Trees which all made me long for much more. I also quite enjoyed The Other Elder simply because I love Beth Revis’ series so much. And reading Blood Drive after the tragedy in CT has cemented it in my mind forever.
Really there were only a couple stories in here I didn’t care for. If you’re looking for a varied book of post-apocalyptic stories this is a good one to pick up. That is, if you don’t mind hearing 19 versions of how the world will end.