Witchmark: Kingston Cycle #1

Witchmark (The Kingston Cycle #1) - C. L. Polk

Do you like gaslamp/steampunk fiction? Do you like old fashioned murder mysteries? Are you in the mood for something light, frothy, and hopeful? Would the icing on the cake be if there was romance, and that romance was gay? Look no further, this is your new favorite book!


Slight problem for me, I don't like any of those things at all except the gay part. (At least I'm honest.) I would never have read this if not for it being a book club pick - the bike on the cover alone let me know this likely wasn't going to be my bag. (There is a bike chase! Are you excited?) Many people I whose opinions I trust loved this book, and I can see why. Alas, it's not my thing. (And I really hated Mile's sister, so the fact that the next book follows her POV dooms any chance of my continuing the series.) I *do* give this book points for being well crafted and readable, saying some interesting things about PTSD and war, and having a romance I cared about.

I think a lot of people will love this book, and if it sounds up your alley I encourage you to snap it up as I doubt it will disappoint. If you're like me and do not like historical fiction or murder mysteries it will likely not be, ahem, your cup of tea.