The End We Start From: Or, a meditation on motherhood and loss

This novella was a lovely surprise. I was initially drawn in by the stunning cover, and I'm so glad I gave it a chance. Written in a spare and poetic style reading this story is more like following a wandering stream than being tossed into the roaring ocean which features heavily in the narrative. The events of the plot are often suggested more than they are described as you meander through the main character's interior landscape just as much as you do the exterior world. If you're unaccustomed to reading poetry then Hunter's prose may stretch your comfort levels, but it will be worth the effort.
This is an elegy. Filled with a sort of wistfulness that feels earned rather than melodramatic. These are observations about the small moments that could so easily get lost in the din, the tiny things that ultimately matter even if the world is ending. It is unflinchingly human. And while the plot takes its cues from science fiction, at its core this is a meditation on motherhood and loss. Simply put: it is beautiful.
Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read an advanced copy. The End We Start From will be released in November.